Abstract. The world faced different challenges brought about by the COVID–19 pandemic. The closure of schools brought significant disruptions to the learning process and, in effect, caused learning gaps among students. To adapt and facilitate continued learning, the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System used the Knowledge Hub (kHub) as its central Learning Management System (LMS). This quantitative study examined factors influencing the acceptance of an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) among teachers at PSHS-CVC. Data was gathered using an online survey and was analyzed using the WarpPLS software. Forty-one teachers, the majority female, with Master’s degrees, belong to higher teaching ranks, and with 6 – 10 years of teaching in the institution were the respondents of the study. Analysis of the data gathered indicated that system quality directly impacted both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In turn, perceived ease of use influenced perceived usefulness, while perceived self-efficacy affected perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness directly affected teachers' attitudes, intentions, and actual use of the LMS, which were also influenced by teaching experience. Of the 29 tested hypotheses, 10 were supported, confirming specific constructs of the extended TAM in this academic setting. Furthermore, the study showed that the adoption of LMS is greatly affected by the teaching experiences of the users, whether it is perceived to be beneficial to them, and if they intend to use the said LMS. This study provides insights into the acceptance factors for LMS adoption, contributing to strategies for effective technology use in education.
Keywords: Educational technology; Extended TAM; Learning Management System; Philippines