Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Format and Submission

Authors intending to publish in JIP should ensure that their articles are presented in a camera-ready form with production-quality figures. Submissions are to be made through this form.

General Formatting

- The maximum length of submissions is 20 typed pages.

- Utilize the provided typesetter template for precise formatting.


- The manuscript must include the title, author's name and affiliation.

- A concise abstract of 200 to 300 words is required, offering an overview of the paper's topic, main results, and their implications.


- List keywords following the abstract.

- Select comprehensive and subject-specific keywords, avoiding overly general terms.

- Limit keywords to five, specifying the most specific first and progressing to the most general.


- All scientific and technical data should be expressed in SI units.


- Minimize footnotes and use them only when essential.


- Type formulae using the MS Word-compatible Equation Editor.

Tables and Figures

- Tables should be incorporated within the text, numbered with Arabic numerals, and titled before the table.

- Figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.

- Caption each figure and table meticulously, following the specified format.

- Ensure that figures are of high quality and suitable for reproduction. Scanned glossy photographs require a resolution of 1200 dpi.

Acknowledgment and Author Contributions

- Mention any applicable sponsors' acknowledgments with grant numbers.

- Acknowledge those who provided intellectual assistance, technical aid, or specific equipment/materials.

- Clearly outline individual author contributions.

Conflict of Interest Statement

- Include any declaration of conflicting interests for each author.


- Use APA citation style.

Example: Santos, H. J. (2023). Effects of Immediate Repetition in L2 Speaking Tasks: A Focused Study. English Language Teaching, 6(1), p11.