Submission Checklist

  1. Article Type: JIP accepts papers such as original research articles, short communications, technical notes, review articles, and perspectives across all disciplines regardless of its perceived impact. Authors must present original research work that has not been published elsewhere or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  1. File Format and Length: Ensure that the main submission file is in Microsoft Word 97–2003 (*.doc) or a higher document file format. The article should not exceed 20 typed pages, including tables, figures, and illustrations. You can use the provided Manuscript Word Template for formatting.

  1. Formatting: The manuscript must strictly adhere to the journal's specified format.

  1. Results and Discussion: The discussion of your study's results should be substantiated with appropriate references.

  1. References: Your article should have a minimum of 20 references. At least 40% of these references should be from within the last five years, including a minimum of 2 references from the current year.

  1. Correct Reference Format: Make sure that your references are formatted correctly for this journal and that they are properly cited within the text.